A novel Adaptive Cybersecurity Framework for the Internet-of-Vehicles: The nIoVe approach

Konstantinos Votis, PhD
Principal Researcher
Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Information Technologies Institute
Short CV
Dr. Konstantinos Votis is a computer engineer and a senior researcher (Researcher Grade C’) at Information Technologies Institute/Centre for Research and Technologies Hellas (CERTH/ITI) and Director of the Visual Analytics Laboratory of CERTH/ITI. He is also a Visting professor at the De-montfort University in UK in the filed of Human Computer Interaction, Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR). He received an MSc and a Ph.D. degree in computer science and service oriented architectures from Computer Engineering and Informatics department, University of Patras, Greece. Also he holds an MBA from the Business School department in the University of Patras.
Protecting the new generation of cars against cybercriminals

Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, PhD
Senior Researcher & Innovation Strategy Manager
i2CAT Foundation,
EC R&I Policy and Strategy Department
Talk Summary
Car safety has come a long way. From the first padded dashboard to seat belts and from rear-view cameras to active safety measures such as autonomous emergency braking (AEB), technological advances are picking up speed. Nowadays, cars are becoming smarter and “greener” through connectivity and artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity is emerging as a new concern able to stop such huge potential for more sustainable safer roads with zero fatality. The EU-funded CARAMEL project is developing cybersecurity solutions for the new generation of cars: i) autonomous cars, ii) 5G connected vehicles, and iii) electromobility. The project applies a proactive method based on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to mitigate cybersecurity-originated safety risks on roads. Considering the entire supply chain, CARAMEL aims to introduce innovative anti-hacking intrusion detection/prevention systems for the European automotive industry.
Short CV
Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Hons.) degrees. He has been working in the ICT industry for over ten years. He is currently a Senior ICT Research and Development Projects Manager/Technical Lead with the i2CAT Foundation, Spain. He has authored/co-authored scientific publications, including, two books and three book chapters, ICT technical reports and 5GPPP white papers, and over 50 peer-reviewed articles in the international journals and major conferences. He has been a contributor to ten major FP7/H2020/5GPPP EU funded projects. He was a recipient of the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award
ITS security standards framework development in ETSI based on successive Threat, Vulnerability and Risk Analysis (TVRA) iterations

Brigitte Lonc
Innovation project manager and expert in V2X Cyber-Security.
Chairperson of the ETSI ITS WG5 Security
Short CV
Brigitte Lonc is working in Renault as innovation project manager and expert in V2X Cyber-Security in Department Alliance Engineering Connected Vehicle. Since 2014 she is Chairperson of the ETSI ITS WG5 Security. She contributed to V2X Research & Technical specifications, validation & deployment initiatives in the Car2Car Communication Consortium, and to C-ITS standardization in ETSI, IETF, CEN/ISO (chairing ETSI ITS WG5 security). She was active on security and privacy protection for Vehicle connected services and V2X communications in C2C-CC, C-ITS Platform WG Security, ERTICO iMobility forum and French PFA. She contributed to R&D projects in the field of the C-ITS Security (e.g. PRESERVE) and lead the French SystemX project on ITS Security (ISE), participates in its follow-on project (SCA) and in C-ITS pilot deployment (SCOOP@F, C-ROADS).
Privacy in C-ITS: threats, impact and assessment

Dr. Farah Sophie Haidar
Dr Research Engineer
IRT SystemX
Short CV
Dr. Farah Sophie HAIDAR holds a phD degree in network security from the Institue Polytechnique (Télécom parisTech, Paris). She worked for 3 years at Renault (France) on C-ITS security and privacy. She has many scientific publications on the security and performance of ‘vehicle to server’ communications in C-ITS. She has conducted many real tests to validate the feasibility of standardized vehicular communication protocols.
She is member of ETSI Working Group 5 (WG5) and participates into standardization activities in Europe. She participates also on many conference and workshops as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member and thus reviewed papers submitted to conferences.
Talk Summary
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) has gained much attention in the recent years due to the large number of applications/use cases that can improve future driving experience. Future vehicles will be connected through several communication technologies which will open the door to new threats and vulnerabilities that must be considered.
The security and privacy protection are big challenges and key subjects to address before C-ITS deployment. Many standardization bodies such as ETSI and IEEE are working on security and privacy protection in the C-ITS.The Secure Cooperative Autonomous Systems (SCA) project of the IRT SystemX aims to ensure the security of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications to guard against cyber-attacks while protecting the privacy of citizens. All project work is evaluated through experiments and road tests.
This talk will highlight the analysis of existing solutions for privacy protection in the C-ITS and also the possible attacks on vehicle’s privacy and their impact on the overall system.
Risk Analysis and Security Assurance in Connected Vehicles: The SAFERtec and 2CeVau approach

Dr. Panagiotis Pantazopoulos
Senior Researcher
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
Talk Summary
Risk analysis and cyber-security assurance are research threads that become increasingly important for the emerging ‘connected vehicles’ paradigm. The former thread identifies the involved cyber-risks extending to the specification of cyber-security requirements while the latter thread seeks to explore the extent to which an IT system can achieve its intended cyber-security behavior (shaped by those requirements). When both are considered for highly-equipped and infrastructure-connected vehicles, whether electric or of high automation level, the mosaic of software modules and communication interfaces increase the involved attack surface and the corresponding complexity/ uncertainty. This talk will highlight the relevant challenges, present the adopted approach of two EU research projects (i.e., H2020 DS SAFERtec and CEF Telecom 2CeVau project) to those challenges and discuss the relevant findings as well as the developed tools, towards safer connected driving.
Short CV
Dr. Panagiotis Pantazopoulos holds a Bachelor’s in Physics, a 2-years MSc Degree in Control and Computing and a PhD degree in computer networks, all awarded by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has been working on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) research along the last six years. His interests lie in the areas of design, analysis and performance evaluation of ITS protocols. Lately, his research has focused on security assurance for connected vehicles under V2I communications following firstly the technical/managerial activities of the H2020 DS SAFERtec project and subsequently the CEF Telecom 2CeVau project. He is one of the contributors to a modular Protection Profile for Connected Vehicles. Since 2017, he serves as an associate editor for the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Prior to the ITS involvement he spent several years working as a researcher on Internet protocols at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Cybersecurity in the driver’s seat: ENISA efforts on automotive security

Dr. Apostolos Malatras
Network and Information Security Expert
EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Talk Summary
The talk will focus on ENISA’s efforts in the field of automotive cybersecurity. Building on the recently published study on good practices for security of connected and autonomous vehicles, ENISA will give an overview of high-level reference model for automotive systems and accordingly describe an asset taxonomy. Relevant threats to vehicles will be presented in the form of a taxonomy and specific security measures to counter said threats will be detailed. The talk will provide high-level challenges and recommendations facing the automotive security ecosystem.
Short CV
Dr Apostolos Malatras is an Expert in Network and Information Security with the Secure Infrastructure & Services Unit at ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency). He is the project manager for IoT and Smart Infrastructures. His areas of interest include Cyber Security of the Internet of Things, Network Management and Smart Transport. With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, academia, and the European Commission, Apostolos has a broad experience in managing and securing network infrastructures and connected and intelligent devices. He is the author and co-author of more than 60 research papers and scientific reports and regularly gives presentations on various international fora.